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Choosing the best bong size will optimize your smoking experience and allow your glass to better suit your needs.
Luckily with Prism, you can go back and forth between sizes or start with a small bong and add more sections as you like. However, we wanted to provide an explanation as to why one may want to choose a Single, Double, or Triple Stack Prism custom bong.
Single Stacks are what Prism calls all of our custom bongs that have a single clamp. These bongs include a base and a mouthpiece ranging from 11” - 18” tall. Single Stacks are generally our smallest custom bong. So here are the four best reasons to select a Prism Single Stack.
Budget.Single Stacks simply cost the least and are the starting block for all of our other bong sizes. You get an affordable bong from the start, but you can choose to customize it further by adding percolators in the future if you wish.
Simplicity. We understand many people enjoy the simple beauty of our Single Stacks. Not everyone likes a massive complicated custom bong. Our Single Stacks are elegant and leave plenty of room for custom options.
Smaller. Bigger isn’t always better. Not everyone wants a big bong for every smoke sesh. Sometimes you want a small bong for a quick rip before bed. Prism’s Single Stacks are also perfect small bongs that travel well.
Concentrates. Smoking concentrates requires you to pull air constantly and is less about filling the chamber of the glass, and more about simply cooling and filtering the smoke. Because of this, small bongs are ideal. Since you can build a custom bong, we recommend our bent mouthpiece, and Honeycomb Bases for smoking concentrates.
Double Stacks are what Prism calls all of our custom bongs that have two clamps. These bongs include a base, percolator, and a mouthpiece. Double Stacks are the sort of goldilocks size for Prism’s custom bong fans if you want to get a reasonable size with some extra filtration. Don’t forget, you can always start with a Single Stack and complete your Double Stack at a later date. Some reasons to choose a Double Stack.
Bang for Buck. Prism’s custom bong Double Stack gives you an entire extra level of filtration and smoothness for less than the cost of a Prism glass base. By simply adding a percolator and a connector, your Single Stack will morph into a super smooth big bong.
Size Balance. Double Stacks are the original size and product we had in mind for the Prism piece. Their size is ideal and elegant, whereas the Triple Stack is for the massive bong lover and the Single Stack is for those just joining the Prism fam and want to start off basic.
Variation.If you’re the type of person who loves to get new glass and change up your daily driver, then the Double Stacks are a great way of achieving this. Without purchasing any additional glass, you can change your custom bong into a Single or Double Stack. You can also swap out percolators as well as bases, whereas Single Stack owners cannot swap out percolator options.
Cleaning. The most annoying thing about a standard single percolator bong is they are hard to clean. However, a Prism custom bong can come apart, so cleaning a percolator is not difficult anymore. Many people purposefully avoid percolators even though they like the feel of the chug because they hate the nuisance of cleaning. Prism solved that, so smoke on and chugg away.
Triple Stacks are what Prism calls our massive two percolator bong. They start at around 2 feet tall so yeah, this is a tall bong. The Triple Stack are those statement pieces for people who want to have a massive bong for their own enjoyment, social media content, or to impress their friends. On top of that, they can always break down to a Double or Single Stack. Here are some reasons why you would want to choose a Triple Stack Prism custom bong.
Size. Choose a Triple Stack as your custom bong if you absolutely love massive bongs. Seriously, you may need to get a longer lighter for these things. Clear it like a champ, we dare you.
Filtration x3. With two percolator sections on top of a filtering base, there is no question if you choose a Triple Stack custom bong, you will have the smoothest filtration Prism can offer.
Show Off.Having a Prism Triple Stack is a bit of a clout statement. Well, a lot of a clout statement. For a little extra cost, you just built a massive beauty to show off to your friends and add life to any evening. Everyone will be talking about this custom bong.
Cleaning. As stated earlier about the Double Stack, cleaning additional percolators on a bong that does not come apart is not easy. Times that by two with the Triple Stack. Try cleaning a 2 foot tall bong if you can’t take it apart. Trust me, if you like tall bongs, but hate cleaning them, Prism was made for you.