What's The difference between smoking a joint vs a bong? 💨
So what are the Pros and Cons of smoking a Joint vs a Bong?
Pros of a Joint
- Slow burn so it last a lot longer.
- One joint can be shared by all your friends.
- Joints are cheaper in the short run.
- They are easier to travel with.
- You can use flavored papers to spice it up a lil.
- You can roll one up anywhere.
- Easy to sneak into places.
- Good for first time smokers.
Cons of a Joint
- You need to know how to roll a good joint.
- Rolling a joint can take time if you aren't seasoned.
- A lot of rolling papers contain harsh chemicals in them (see below).
- Hotter smoke which can burn your throat and make you cough.
- You need to have a lil filter, if not, it can be a harsh hit.
- More weed is needed to roll one up.
- OR its laced with tobacco and we all know the health cons with regards to that.
- A lot of cannabinoids are lost because of the smoke that you lost between draws.
- Because of the time it take to smoke, there is more smell.
- After a joint, sometimes you can feel a layer of tar on your teeth.
Pros of a Bong
- You only need 1 - 2 hits for a real good high.
- Quicker to pack a bowl.
- Less weed used in a bowl.
- Purer/healthier hit since its just glass and weed.
- Water filters the smoke making it less harsh and prevents coughing.
- There are A LOT of different types of bongs to choose from.
- You can have a everyday setup and a real nice one for special occasions.
- Less expensive in the long run.
- Less smelly because there's only a few hits.
Cons of a Bong
- Bong can be expensive.
- Some are NOT easy to clean and you need cleaning products and tools to clean it.
- Not always easy to travel with.
- They can break easily, which is a really sad day.
- Need a big bowl or multiple bowls if sharing with a group of people.
- You can't sneak a bong into a big event.
- It won't fit behind your ear or in your pocket . . .
- A very small percentage of THC us lost when filtered through water.
- Dirty bongs smell NASTY.
- You need to have some big ole lungs for some big ole hits.
You said what chemicals are in my rolling papers??
Have you ever thought about what you’re smoking when you smoke a joint? Some rolling papers are made of natural materials like rice, hemp, or flax, but many store bought rolling papers contain chemicals that are dangerous or harmful to respiratory health. So what are in those rolling papers?? ☣️

Are Joints Really Better For Travel? 💼
When comparing joints to your typical bong, it’s fair to say joints are easier to travel with. Put one in your fancy metal tin, behind your ear, or "other" places so you can sneak it into a concert. This aspect of the joint is clutch.
Even with a small bong, it can be difficult to comfortably store it in a bag with other stuff. If you have a tall bong, you can pretty much forget about taking that bad boi anywhere!
However, if you are the coolest person in your friend group and a proud owner of a Prism Water Pipe, traveling with your bong is no problem!!! Prism's modular bong design allows you to untwist your setup into smaller pieces that can be wrapped up and safely stored in a backpack so you can be on your merry, stoney way. Who would have known bringing a bong on your next adventure hike or camping trip would be so easy.
Check out Bong Bag Baby for some great custom bong bags. We really love ours!

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