After speaking with multiple people regarding our product, people kept asking how the "plastic couplers" worked. We were baffled. Plastic?? Really? Then we realized that we maybe haven't talked about this enough on our site and thought it smart to clear the air. No the couplers are not made of cheap rinky dinky plastic. The coupler bodies are adonized aluminum, the seals are natural rubber, and the levers are however a hard plastic.
The couplers use a cam type technology for locking into place and also applying a tight squeezing force on the glass. When locked into place the rubber grips the two glass pieces and is also air tight. There is a rubber ring between the two glass pieces to ensure that each piece is protected from the other. This also makes positioning the couplers simple. You place the coupler on top of the first piece until the glass lip reaches the inner rubber lining, then you do the same with the top piece. Snap it into place and you are good to go.
When the rubber on the couplers is dry it is basically impossible to pull the two pieces apart. Do not try to pull them apart as hard as you can to protect the pieces. We definitely recommend you give the two glass pieces a tug though so you can feel how tight the grip is. If the rubber is wet it can significantly reduce the friction between the glass and the rubber. Do not worry the pieces will not fall out, but with enough force and wet rubber you may be able to pull the two pieces apart. This is completely avoidable however, just keep the rubber and glass dry before you connect the two pieces. If the couplers are closed when you pour water into the pipe you will have the tight grip that comes with dry rubber.
Thank you for reading this and we hope you enjoy our site! Let us know if you have any questions!